Volunteers Are the ❤️ of DMCC!
A team of dedicated volunteers from all walks of life works in full partnership with DMCC staff in order to meet the needs of the maturing and special needs residents of Del Mar, providing activities, services, and programs that enhance their quality of life and allow them to remain in the homes they love. YOU can be a member of that team!
If you are interested in applying to be a DMCC volunteer, please click here to download the application.

Volunteer Drivers
It only takes 30 minutes to become a hero!
Our volunteer drivers help senior and disabled residents of the City of Del Mar get to medical and essential appointments. 30 minutes of your day on your own schedule could make a huge difference in the life of a neighbor! All you need is a valid driver's license, a clean driving record, and an insured vehicle.

Bus Hosts
Have a great time on a shopping trip!
DMCC bus hosts assist and socialize with riders on our Monday shopping excursion and our Wednesday grocery excursion. Relax and enjoy a fun shopping trip while the driver does the hard work.

Community Outreach
Use your love of Del Mar to help others find DMCC!
DMCC's Community Outreach team goes to Del Mar community events and helps us to recruit volunteers and find new program participants who would benefit from our services.

Help us fund our life changing programs!
DMCC is funded by grants and community contributions, and it takes the hard work and networking knowledge of real people in order to continue funding our transportation program and activities.

Administrative Work
Help us in the DMCC office!
The work of the DMCC office is never done. From filing to helping us prepare mailings, if you have office skills, we can use them.

Teach a Class
Share your expertise!
DMCC is volunteer-based, and that includes our programming and activities. If you have the ability to share your knowledge and skills with a group of interested and engaged seniors, we would love to discuss teaching opportunities with you.

Join a Committee
Help us plan for success!
Advise the DMCC Board on Transportation, Fundraising, Programming and more by joining a DMCC committee.